This page is dedicated to the memory of EviLAnGeL's son who recently passed away...
our hearts go out to EviLAnGeL and his family during this difficult time.
Our thoughts and wishes are with you, EA.
-- Your friends at #X-Files

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Allow us to relate what heartfelt sympathy is. Allow us to relate what heartfelt sympathy is not. When a being ails from inside out, can anyone truly experience this type of hurt with another? Answer is no. It is a rare one who may get inside and experience with a hurting other. All ways go deeper and you will discover the real emotion.

Sympathy is an imposter. Sympathy is conjured by those with no feelings to spare. An entity cheap in emotion, sympathy is sham. Empathy takes its rightful place among emotions. Go inside the soul and feel from inside out with him. Never judge. Never assume. Trust basic emotions.

Sympathy is frosting on a cake.
Empathy is yeast which raises cake.

--- Humanity, ANGEL TALK by Ruth Crystal.